Friday, July 21, 2023

The Jimmy Dore Show: Engaged Buddhists

Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger, (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

What is an "Engaged" Buddhist? Is the person about to get married? No, not necessarily. It is someone engaged in the world, aware of politics and the mundane nonsense that governs most of our lives. Protesters, helpers, trust spreaders concerned with saving lives, preserving our rights and health. There is a kind of approach to Buddhism (really, to any spiritual tradition apart from hedonism and maybe Satanism) that is reclusive, withdrawing, inward-turning. That is very important. But the world is still the world, and we are in the world. So it's important to know what's really going on. And more than anyone in the media, it seems Jimmy Dore is the annoying voice speaking truth to power. JP Sears? Redacted Tonight? Russell Brand? Democracy Now!? Joe Rogan? Lots of voices contribute, but Jimmy Dore rises above the rest.

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