Friday, July 28, 2023

UFOs are real, ETs are here (Congress)

What does the US know about UFOs and space aliens/ETs? | Vantage with Palki Sharma
(Firstpost) July 27, 2023. What does the USA know about UFOs and space aliens? During a Congressional hearing, a [planted] former US Air Force intelligence officer and two other veterans of the US armed forces make dramatic claims. They say the USA knows about UFOs (vimanas) and humanoid aliens. They even narrate incidents of encountering mysterious objects at various points in the past. Is Washington DC hiding something? Palki Sharma explains.

David Grusch's shocking UFO testimony proves Congress should demand to speak to witnesses: Analysis
(The Hill) July 29, 2023. WASHINGTON, DC. Creator of the Black Vault John Greenewald Jr. breaks down what's behind the Pentagon's effort to conceal UAP-related information. Originally aired July 26, 2023; NON-HUMAN BIOLOGICAL... #uap #ufo

USA | UFO | UAP | US Congress | space aliens | Firstpost | World News | Latest News | Global News | International News | Trending News #ufo #usa #aliens #firstpost #worldnews #latestnews #globalnews #internationalnews #trendingnews

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