Friday, July 7, 2023

We were lied to about pandemic (TJDS)

J. Dore, Mike MacRae (; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Now what? It's over. You obeyed. You're injected/infected. Now wait for the consequences.

They make patients feel safe. They're for looks.
Can anyone watch this without getting ENRAGED!? Proof has surfaced that United Kingdom knew all along masks and social distancing don’t work. Oops, sorry, we lied to the public to terrify them, control them, and keep them in place. "You mustn't question COVID-19. It's about public safety. Think of others! You don't need rights. They need life. Do what you're told!" Sheep or people? A combination of both. Keep your heads down and don't complain about anything. Stay in your lane, and shut yer darn mouths, right? Go along to get along, and badger your neighbors and fellows to obey and cower the way you do. Protest? What's that?

COVID lies are funny
Crisis actor Dr. Lena Wen and Dr. Fauci lied and continue to lie, joined by other profiteers.

We'll never forgive you for being right, Jimmy. You were right: COVID was a hoax.

Who has time for scientific evidence? Boring!
The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic

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