Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Why religion hates LGBT/gays (Pope/gurus)

I. Rony, eds., Wisdom Quarterly; Vasudev Sadhguru (isha.sadhguru.org/IshaKriya)

Why religion is against gays and lesbians?
"I'm not a prude," insists Sadhguru at a "Youth and Truth" mass conference in India, pandering to an audience of mostly pro-LGBTQIA... young people.

India has been subject to the same propaganda the West has as LGBT+ plans go worldwide. Is it a natural (grassroots) groundswell or an imposed agenda by the powers-that-be?

Pope, how are Catholics to believe and act?

Hey, look at me. I'm cool. Just ask Tom Bray.
It hardly seems to be coming from people in general so much as people in charge. It isn't the trans kid and allies shoving it down everyone's throat so much as the principal of the school and the administrators. Who or what is motivating them, a sudden spark of compassion or a mandate, laws, and orders from above sent to them in no uncertain terms? It seems to be the latter, "isn't it"? We want flowers, Sadhguru. How can we get them -- by thinking about them?

Pedophilia pride? MAPs="minor attracted persons"
Are trans men to be included in women's spaces?

Can any guru shed light on this matter?
(Sadhguru Talks) June 23, 2020. ["Pandering," did someone say "pandering"?  Does Sadhguru operate with a profit motive? Ya think?] Sadhguru wants everyone to register for the Inner Engineering Online program. How about a 50% discount? isha.co/IEO-YT "FREE for COVID Warriors." Donate to Beat The Virus (ishaoutreach.org/BeatTheVirus).

Guru Piers Morgan presents nominal liberal view

[Hey, Kids, why not download the groovy new Sadhguru App 📲 onelink.to/sadhguru__app and be the first hipster at the ashram, math, or madras to do so? Be cool, buy merch.]

White guy mansplains Islam's view: "Zero percent of
the UK Muslims think homosexuality is acceptable."

You're so cool, Mr. Sadhguru. All the kids say so.
Self-proclaimed yogi, mystic, and visionary, Sadhguru is an alleged "spiritual master" with a difference. [He's cool, and all the cool kids know it. *Irony*]

He describes himself (or has hired a PR firm to describe him as), "An arresting blend of profundity and pragmatism, his life and work serves as a reminder that yoga is a contemporary science, vitally relevant to our times."

Maybe Madame Blavatsky's Krishnamurti has something substantive to say

Subscribe to the Sadhguru YouTube Channel: https://youtube.com/user/sadhguru?sub... Go buy something at the official Sadhguru website http://isha.sadhguru.org. Or visit the official social profiles on your mobile. #Sadhguru https://facebook.com/sadhguru https://instagram.com/sadhguru https://twitter.com/SadhguruJV https://t.me/Sadhguru. Not convinced by this bombast? How about a Free Online Guided Yoga & Meditation by Sadhguru? isha.sadhguru.org/5-min-practices http://isha.sadhguru.org/IshaKriya.

Can Taoism (Daoism) reveal "The Standard"?

(@padmam895, 2022) I felt very good hearing this, but I have to say this there is a reason for campaigning for the LGBT+ community people. It is to make others who are ashamed or scared of themselves to show that they are not alone and should love themselves just the way they are. ❤

"It's not correct there's such a thing as biological sex."
Jordan Peterson won't be forced to change his language.

What is "the Buddhist view"?

(Khenpo Sodargye's Team) Question 3: Buddhist view on homosexuality, Jan. 7, 2019. The elder lama gives his view on the Buddhist Perspective in the Era of Materialism—Q&A. Humans have very many tendencies in terms of what they are attracted to, not just genders but in terms of age and looks. Can we be inclusive and accepting of deviant sexual practices? What is "deviant" anyway? Society gets used to anything we throw at it.

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