Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Yoga Ayurveda: avoid these foods and drugs

There are sattvicrajasic, and tamasic foods, just as there are three body types (or doshas, of vata, pitta, and kapha or air, fire, and water). These are the basics of Ayurvedic eating for health and longevity.

Avoid harmful foods
(Sadhguru Ji Yogic Life) Premiered Aug. 7, 2023, In modern terms, there are positive-, negative-, and zero-pranic foods. Prana is our invisible lifeforce energy, the spiritus (holy spirit), breath, or unseen animating energy that makes life possible. We could think of it as chi.

Yogini Shlloka explains that in Yoga (with its traditional Eight Limbs or Ashtanga that form a complete ancient science) we do not look at foods in terms of proteins, vitamins, or minerals as is focused on in the West.

Ayurveda (the "Science of Life") categorizes food in three ways:
  1. positive pranic food
  2. negative pranic food
  3. zero pranic food.
Positive substances, when consumed, add prana to the human system. Prana, the vital energy in the body, will increase.

If we consume negative pranic substances, they take prana away from the system. They stimulate the nervous system but take away vital energy.

Zero pranic food neither adds nor takes away energy. It is only eaten for taste.

Negative pranic substances:
  1. Garlic is a powerful medicine if used properly. But if we put it into everyday food and eat it, it causes much damage.
  2. Onion is similar. The body does not prefer it. It shows this dislike by irritation the eye feels when we chop it.
  3. Asafoetida (a plant that acts as an onion substitute) is also a negative pranic item but is generally used in small quantities for taste.
  4. Eggplant (brinjal) is a vegetable that has some poison in it [as part of the deadly nightshade family, that also includes tomatoes, potatoes, tobacco, etc., similar to toxic cashews] There is a certain enzyme in eggplant that is capable of damaging the hypothalamus. Children should avoid this vegetable.
  5. Chili peppers can be experimented with. However, if we abstain from them for some time and then take them, the body will reject them with a strong reaction.
  6. Coffee
  7. Tea (Camellia sinensis which, like coffee, contains caffeine) are very powerful nervous system stimulants. Constant abuse of such common stimulants destroys stamina in the long run.
  8. Tobacco
These stimulants reduce our ability to store energy and our ability to do things. They make old age very difficult. Needless to say, all stimulant drugs and other nervous aggravators are negative pranic items.

Emotional stability very much depends on the foods we eat. If we refrain from foods with negative pranic substances, we find that it becomes easy to maintain our emotional balance. These seven items are negative pranic foods; the rest are positive.

  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:18 - Pranic foods in Ayurveda
  • 04:42 - Outro
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Natural herbal Ayurvedic medicines: zero side effects
  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 00:05 - Ayurvedic Medicines
  • 07:00 - Outro
Ayurvedic medicines for common health ailments
◆ 01:00 - Laxmi Vilas Ras
◆ 01:13 - Septlin Tablets
◆ 01:29 - Guduchi Tablets
◆ 01:38 - Godanchi Bhasma
◆ 01:56 - Mahasundarshanavati
◆ 02:15 - Haridrakhanda
◆ 02:30 - Lavangadi Vati
◆ 03:02 - Pranadhara
◆ 03:24 - Shirashula Vajradi Ras
◆ 03:51 - Hingavashthaka Churna
◆ 04:05 - Himcospas
◆ 04:13 - Mahashankha Vati
◆ 04:34 - Pravala Pashti
◆ 04:47 - Kamadhura Ras
◆ 05:13 - Yograj Guggulu
◆ 05:27 - Dashamulariahta
◆ 05:58 - Lakshadi Guggulu
◆ 06:13 - Abhraloha

Ayurveda, a natural system of health maintenance, originated in India more than 3,000 years ago. The Sanskrit term Ayurveda is derived from the words ayur ("life") and veda ("knowledge" or "science").

Ayurveda translates to "Knowledge of Life." Based on the idea that disease is due to an imbalance or stress and strain on a person's consciousness, Ayurveda encourages certain lifestyle interventions and natural therapies to regain balance between body, mind, spirit (prana), and the environment.

Sadhguru - Isha Foundation 👉 Sadhguru 3 Negative Pranic Foods to Stay Away From
(Mystics of India) 👉 WARNING: Brain-Damaging Food: Never Eat This Harmful Food Again | Negative Pranic - Sadhguru

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