Sunday, August 20, 2023

Climate change schlimate change, Bill Nye

Jimmy Dore, Kurt Metzger (TJDS); Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Here’s why no one should listen to Bill Nye the Science Fly about climate change, according to The Jimmy Dore Show (TJDS, Is the globe warming? Is the climate changing with all these extra green-plant producing carbon emissions? Is it due to human activity? Yes, it must be, that's what everyone agrees it has to be (scientific consensus). And by "human activity," does that include purposeful activity by the military-industrial complex and CIA? There is weather-making technology (cloud seeding, storm guiding, HAARP, lasers, persistent aerosol dispersion, etc.)]

Directed Energy Weapons, HAARP, weather control,
earthquake generators, US technologies at South Pole

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