Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Viral country songs: Rich Men...Richmond (DK)

Alex Hefner; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit

The God of the Bible sent us Arch-Saint Trump to save our Confederate nation (MAGAots)

(Hip-Hop Head Alex Hefner) Wig, err, wearing Hefner finally listens to the viral country hit song everyone's talking about so he can review and react to it. With Oliver Anthony's anti-establishment lyrics, one is reminded of San Francisco Bay Area punk rocker Jello Biafra with a similar message:

(Dead Kennedys/Jello) Plastic Surgery Disasters/In God We Trust, Inc.

Latinos were in the Confederacy?
Country singing, red-bearded Viking Oliver Anthony released a hit song, "Rich Men North of Richmond." Everyone's talking. Is it offensive? Maybe. It's country not PC, but it's largely pretty good, I mean, for country music.

It seems legit, like that other unexpected country banger "Old Town Road" by that young, flamboyantly gay Black guy and Miley Cyrus' sell out dad.

Seems like a drinkin' ditty.
The "rich men" must live above Richmond, Virginia, as in DC. The song has become an overnight viral sensation after gaining traction on social media.

Wiki says it has been described as a "blue-collar anthem," an "everyman anthem," and a "right-wing anthem" [1, 2, 3].

Within days of its release, it topped sales and streaming charts -- outstripping the Beatles and Elvis the Pelvis and Lady Gaggy and even Nazi Barbie (TayTay Swift). It then debuted at Number 1 on the Billboard Hot 100, making Mr. Anthony the first artist to debut atop the chart without any prior chart history in any form [4].

The greatest viral country song broke the internet
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Women do country better (like Shania Twain)

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The song was first uploaded to YouTube on August 8, 2023 [5] by Radiowv, and by word of mouth the video received over 5,000,000 (5 million) views in its first three days [3].

Prior to the song's success, Mr. Anthony was not a well-known musician, as he had previously only self-recorded songs on his Rinky Dink cell phone [6]. This exito is Mr. Anthony's first professionally recorded song [7]. More
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