Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Dr. Greer: 60+ alien races are on Earth (video)

Shining Ones (devas) and Titans (asuras) are extraterrestruaks depicted in religious art.
The War in Heaven: Good deva on white elephant mount battles asura on vicious lion mount.
"They" are with us. Flying saucers (vimanas) are as old as history (ancient-origins.net)
Dr. Greer: There are 60-70 species of extraterrestrials, and most images are inaccurate (Part 8)

Dr. Steven Greer explains how a human can pilot a UFO without dying (Part 14)
(djvlad) Aug. 1, 2023. Watch the full interview now as a VladTV YouTube member: @vladtv. See Part 13: • Dr. Steven Greer: The Tech Displayed... and Part 1: • Dr. Steven Greer on Seeing His First...

Why do "they" (the many races of ETs) keep visiting Earth?

Is that the CIA abducting us or a real ETs?
In this clip, Dr. Steven Greer, MD, reacts to a viral video of a U.S. fighter jet's encounter with a UFO. Dr. Greer spoke about similar encounters and expressed concern about the secrecy surrounding these objects, which could lead to potential national security risks.

He highlights a case in the 1980s when a military officer ordered the shooting down of a UFO without realizing it was manmade (reverse engineered from alien made models), demonstrating the danger of inadequate knowledge [among the different levels of secrecy above top secret].

The interview also touches on the physics behind these advanced flying crafts (known as vimanas in ancient India), explaining how they can defy gravity and avoid sonic booms.

There are more than 60 races of ET aliens visiting Earth

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