Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Into the PIT: Mosh Pit Meditation (video)

Wyatt's Metal; Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson, Pat Macpherson, Wisdom Quarterly

Maybe I should learn sitting first?
The Mosh Pit: Beginner's Guide (Wyatt's Metal) July 13, 2023: Wyatt's perks: @wyattsmetal. Official Wyatt's Metal Discord: discord.gg/8b7WMuBJNe.

Meditation is not easy, all that struggling to sit still, deal with ADD and ADHD and speed as medicine sold to us by our rich dealer, uh, we mean, doctor. And that's just the body. The ever drifting, shifting, wandering "monkey mind" is worse. Why is it so hard? It seems that it's the trying to sit still that's the problem.

Punk rock yoga with kick a$$ music is better than bowling in Las Vegas with hardcore types.
Hot Yoga
Try a hot yoga class (vinyasa or ashtanga) and see if it's any easier to place attention on one thing, like the in-and-out breathing, and see if it's any easier. There won't be a surplus of energy, anxiousness, or feeling like one might explode at any moment because hot yoga is exhausting for beginners who do not yet know how to put forward a balanced practice and therefore just go all out until they're pooped.

Americans don't know real Eight-Limb Yoga.
Slow and steady is the way, mindful of all the things to remain aware of (posture, alignment, balance, breathing, strength, softness, flexibility, mobility, locks or bandhas, position of elbow-eyes, resting in mountain between poses, sthira-sukha or resting in poses or seats after efforting to reach them steady and comfortabe, direction of hands, toes, eyes or drishti, heat, relaxation, tailbone down, pelvis tilted, sweat wicked, water nearby...) AHH! It's too much!

Mosh Pit

This rules, Man! It's no place for the weak.
How about something simpler and more fun, with fewer beautiful distractions in Spandex pants? Cue loud noise, stage lights, and the bustling assistance of fellow fans present to rock out. They may not have presence of mind, being checked out on drugs and/or drink, so never mind the bullocks and Sex Pistols. It's time to get into the dangerous mosh pit for slam dancing to see how much the threat of random violence or accidental injury sharpens the mind like a dojo match.
  • OK, this is not fun anymore. Boundaries!
    You're scared, excited, in awe. It's time. It's do or die. Jump in. Who would purposely jump into that human blender? Get pushed in. Jerks will do that. They're just there to shove and laugh as you get hurt. Better to go in and die with boots on.
Martial Arts

Before the war (1946), karate in Naho (Wiki)
If that fails to bring on extreme presence of mind in the interest of survival, it's into the dojo, the martial arts studio that is (adjunct to a Buddhist temple for active practices).

Do (pronounced \dough\) means "way," according to Alan Watts and others. There is "The Way of Tea" (chado), taekwondo ("the way or art of" kicking and punching to defeat opponents), The Way (The Tao or Dao of Taoism) as in the Middle Way of Buddhism.

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