Sunday, August 13, 2023

Is Earth flat? B-day, sex, BTS (Chandler Juliet)

Chandler Juliet, Aug. 13, June 26, 2023; Eric Dubay (; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
200 Proofs Earth is NOT a Spinning Ball

POV: your friend discovered the Earth is flat
(Chandler Juliet) "You hear nothin' about the South Pole, why? Because it doesn't exist!" I'm joking. But there's a guy, Eric Dubay, who's serious. It's Zetetic (skeptical scientific inquiry) science. Everyone else, like Bill Nye the Science Fly and @ss-kissing Neil deGrasse Tellmewhattosay-Son, says what government handlers induce them to say.

SEX? (Chandler Juliet) The walk of shame be like... [with Megan MC]

Ignore this. Go along to get along.
That's odd, that the government would pay influencers to make globe earth videos to counter the wave of realization that something as basic as the shape of the plane we're standing on is something we're lied to about every day. Amazing. Check it out. Do the research. Once the first proof shocks some sense into you, the rest are confirmation.

NASA lies, YouTube deplatforms, and yet there are still a few places like and to see snippets of the truth before they're drowned out again. The CIA Chief Casey said it himself. They're job will only be done once everything Americans believe is wrong. #flatearth
It's a joke. Don't shadow ban me, please, you friggin' censors. I'm just trying to make a living as Chandler Juliet.

It's magic: 1,500 subscribers Sept. 2021; 5,000 subscribers Oct. 22, 2022; 10,000 subscribers Nov. 23, 2022; 20,000 subscribers May 8, 2023. Next goal: 40K subs!

Chandler on Follow on IG DP: Tara Parker. Written and edited by Chandler Juliet. The Language of Love EP is out now. Stream and add it to playlists:

It's time for looking BTS, behind the scenes, in this informative "How did my day go?" look at the life of a thoughtful comedian, writer, actor, promoter, make up artist, consultant, Californian.

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