Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Jesus FOUND: He was "The Egyptian" (video)

Lena Einhorn, Derek Lambert, 2/28/23; Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Few men are more memorable than the kings (pharaohs) of ancient Egypt like boy King Tut

Jesus the Egyptian with Lena Einhorn | Could this be the real historical Jesus?
(MythVision PodcastMythVision Podcast EVERY PODCAST Dr. Lena Einhorn, MD, is the author of The Jesus Mystery: Astonishing Clues to the True Identities of Jesus and Paul (Jesus the Egyptian/Jesus the Zealot).

The Jesus Mystery: Astonishing Clues (audio)
A medical doctor, author, filmmaker, and documentarian, Lena Einhorn (lenaeinhorn.se/english-2) aims this book at the intelligent general reader, much the same audience she addresses in her television projects.

For that reason, the specialist will be able to skim a good bit of her treatise. Quite a lot of it is a running start, with no criticism intended.

Let’s cut to the chase: The secret of the true identities of Jesus Christ and Paul the Apostle are that they are identical to one another. Paul is one figure, the resurrected persona of the other.

Jesus is the [Jewish] Talmudic character Ben Stada, just as most Talmudic authorities surmise. Both are said to have emerged from Egypt carrying magic sigils inscribed in their flesh.

A Shift in Time:...Surprising Truth about Jesus
Jesus is also said in the Toledoth Jeschu or Yeshu to have hidden a paper note containing the magically potent Tetragrammaton beneath a flap of his flesh.

Others have theorized that Ben Stada is the Egyptian messiah mentioned by both Josephus (Jewish War 2:13.5; Jewish Antiquities 20:8:6) and Acts. Was he a pharaoh or was he from the house of one like Moses?

According to author Einhorn, both guesses are correct. Paul is rightly taken for him in Acts 21:38, because Paul was Jesus was the Egyptian was Ben Stada.

Along the same lines, John the Baptist was in realty the same man as Theudas the Magician. Both were linked to the river Jordan, and both were beheaded by the authorities.

In the gospels and Acts, the historical events have been retro-projected to an earlier decade. Einhorn sides with the Swoon Theory, noting that it is plausible despite the uneasy assurances of Christian apologists.

She regards Jesus as a Zealot crucified alongside fellow Zealots (lestoi, “thieves”). After his escape from the crucifixion cross, he went elsewhere [back to India] preaching a new gospel concerning the true meaning of the resurrection [rebirth] he had just undergone.

So the Proclaimer became the Proclaimed — as well as the Proclaimer of the Proclaimed! Einhorn thus makes sense of the extensive parallels between the Passion journeys of both Jesus and Paul in Luke-Acts, not that it all happened twice, but that the second telling of the story in Paul’s case is a hint that Paul is the same character who underwent the process in Luke.

Einhorn notes other, smaller parallels including the Galilean birthplace of Paul, according to Jerome, and the similarity of Paul being trained as a youth by Gamaliel and Jesus engaging in dialectic with the elders and scribes in the Temple at age 12.

She suggests that Pontius Pilate’s uncharacteristic urgency to have Jesus acquitted might be explained as another version of Acts 22:25-29, in which the Roman official, about to flog Paul, stands down when he discovers the object of his wrath is a Roman citizen.

The Jewish Talmud says, cryptically, that Jesus, too, had some connection with the government. It is a fascinating, albeit speculative thesis. It is so novel that many may laugh it off for no better reason than its unfamiliarity. Einhorn has contributed her research to the debate.
Host Derek Lambert with Lena Einhorn
ABOUT: Lena Einhorn has authored several books on the subject of the historical reliability of the gospels. She has found that there was a shift in time comparing the gospels to outside sources such as Josephus Flavius. Parallels between Josephus and the New Testament may suggest that the character called "The Egyptian" may have been the real Jesus of history. And Paul might be... 

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