Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Jesus is "weak," Trump strong, pastor worried

Brad Reed, Raw Story, 8/9/23; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.); Monty Python's Flying Circus (Life of Brian); Dhr. Seven, Amber Larson (Sermon and Sutra commentary), Wisdom Quarterly
Monty Python in The Life of Brian re-enact Jesus' Sermon on the Mount, but it's hard to hear:

Pastor alarmed after Trump-loving congregants deride Jesus' teachings as "weak"
I am now the Lord your God. Obey me!
Evangelical Christian leader Russell Moore revealed this week that many Christian evangelical pastors have become alarmed that their Trump-loving congregants have become so militant that they are even rejecting the teachings of Jesus Christ.

In an interview with NPR, Pastor Moore said that multiple pastors had told him disturbing stories about their congregants being upset when they read from the famous "Sermon on the Mount" in which the Christ (the "Annointed One") spoused the principles of forgiveness and mercy as central to Christian doctrine.

"Multiple pastors tell me, essentially, the same story about quoting the Sermon on the Mount, parenthetically, in their preaching — 'turn the other cheek' — [only] to have someone come up after to say, 'Where did you get those liberal talking points?'" Moore revealed. 

"And what was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, 'I'm literally quoting Jesus Christ,' the response would not be, 'I apologize.'

"The response would be, 'Yes, but that doesn't work anymore. That's weak.'"

Sin with me, Republicans. God will forgive us.
Pastor Moore, who has been an outspoken critic of many evangelicals' embrace of Trump, argues that this has led him to conclude that American evangelical Christianity is now in crisis.

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