Thursday, August 31, 2023

Nordic alien ETs w/ Linda Moulton Howe (Vril)

Linda Moulton Howe ( video; Dr. Michael Salla (US Navy's Secret Space Program and Nordic ET Alliance); Pat Macpherson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Vril Oracle Marija, born 1895 (Maria Orsitsch), gets a website? (mariaorsicnazi)
Nordic beauty, Vril Oracle Maria Orsic, channeled Sumerian texts she handed to the Nazis

What could explain Vril Oracle Marija Orsic's beauty? Karma? Zagreb dad, German mom?

The Vril Society's secret to psychic reception was long, natural hair, antenna to Aldebaran
The US Navy's Secret Space Program and Nordic Extraterrestrial Alliance, Vol. 2
Nordic ET Alliance (Dr. Michael E. Salla, PhD)
(Audible Audiobook) This unabridged work by author Michael Salla, narrated by Bradley Duffy, has 4.5 stars out of 5 with 939 ratings.

The Los Angeles Air Raid on Feb. 24-25, 1942, opened an unprecedented chapter in the evolution of the U.S. Navy.

In response to this incident, a covert research program to investigate the feasibility of exotic antigravity propulsion technologies was developed.

In addition, covert Navy operatives were embedded in Nazi-occupied Europe to learn about the Germans’ advanced flying saucer programs.

They discovered that the Nazis were receiving assistance from two extraterrestrial groups with very different agendas.

The Sumerian language plans from the Aldebaran star system were a German success for Vril

The plans for antigravity flying machines, vimanas, has long been know (Haunebu)

Vanished? Maria Orsic was promised a one-way UFO flight to Aldebaran.
As the psychic Oracle of the Vril Society, Maria Orsic channeled ancient Sumerian writing

Did white aliens impregnate brown earthlings?
The debriefing of the operatives took place at Naval Air Station, San Diego, led by Rear Admiral Rico Botta. He instructed “disseminator of naval research and information” William Tompkins to take confidential briefing packets to select think tanks, private corporations, and university departments around the country.

Later, Tompkins worked with a number of leading aerospace companies to design massive spacecraft for a secret U.S. Navy space program and was fatefully assisted by extraterrestrial (ET) visitors described as “Nordics.”

ET-hybrid Marija Orsic, 1921
An extensive number of documents substantiate Tompkins’ claims of the existence of a covert Navy program created to study, design, and build deep space battle groups.

They became operational in the 1980s. Now the U.S. Navy has a new goal: enact a plan to level the universal playing field, and the [s]election of President Trump may just be the wild card needed to reveal everything.
Vril-Damen Society of psychic supermodels
[Certainly, Pres. B.S. Obama wasn't going to say anything -- or make any announcement on the world stage -- even after being asked to by Dr. Steven Greer, MD, who fully briefed Obama and his administration with Sec'y of State Hillary Clinton present and objecting, according to Dr. Greer himself.]

Can technology (using MyHeritage moving photo video) make her more beautiful?

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