Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Me 'n My Buddha: Our Search for Liberation

Simpsons; Harry Nilsson "Me and My Arrow"; Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly

The Simpsons: Lisa's path to Buddhism
Richard Gere, are you peeking?
(Manda Flax) The famous American TV show The Simpsons, which has run longer and more successfully than any other, except maybe Survivor, once had an episode called "My Way or the Highway to Heaven." It was Season 30, Episode 3, and here's a clip. Lisa was already a Buddhist from way back, even before Bart went Zen.

My Way or the Highway to Heaven (plot)
In heaven, God and St. Peter are visited by the Buddha, who encourages them to open heaven to other religions.

Back on earth, in Sunday School, Lisa tells her class that besides redemption and good works (wholesome karma), there is The Bodhisattva's Way of Enlightenment. She then shares a story she calls “The Princess not affiliated with Disney, unless we are now owned by Disney.”

In Lumbini, outside the Shakya Kingdom during the 6th century BCE, a spoiled princess Siddmartha (a female version of Buddhism's founder Siddhārtha) remained dissatisfied despite having it all. She sought a Middle Way between extreme austerities and decadence.

Carl, shouldn't we be chanting? - Yes, Lenny.
She ventured out of the palace disguised as a poor boy. In search of scholars she goes to Kathmandu U. but frustratingly finds the university a party school.

Being void of ideas, she opts instead to sit under a Bodhi Tree until she awakens enlightened.

Meanwhile, back in heaven, St. Peter notices that Lisa is a good person, a good Buddhist, and God agrees that “all the good souls are welcome.”

Lisa should do yoga, too. Right, Homer? - Huh, what, Marge?

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