Thursday, August 10, 2023

Nun explains: The Root of Feelings (sutra)

Ayya Khemavamsi. Empty Cloud Monastery, NJ, 8/10/23; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
All in the family: the Buddha's son Rahula, the Buddha, and son or cousin Ananda (Thai art)

The Root of Feelings w/ Ayya Khemavamsi
(Buddhist Insights @ Empty Cloud) What is the ROOT of "feeling" -- pleasant, painful, and neutral sensations -- be they emotional, psychological, or physical? Thai Theravada Buddhist nun Ayya Khemavamsi shares some Dhamma (Dharma, Buddhist Teaching) reflections from Thailand.

SUTRA: "Rooted in Contact"
“Meditators, three feelings [sensations] are born, rooted, sourced, and conditioned by CONTACT [sense impression]. What three?
  1. Pleasant feeling (sukhā vedanā)
  2. painful (dukkhā vedanā), and
  3. neutral feeling (adukkhamasukhā vedanā).
“Pleasant feeling arises dependent on a CONTACT to be experienced as pleasant. With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as pleasant, the corresponding pleasant feeling ceases and stops.

“Painful feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as painful. With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as painful, the corresponding painful feeling ceases and stops.

“Neutral feeling arises dependent on a contact to be experienced as neutral. With the cessation of that contact to be experienced as neutral, the corresponding neutral feeling ceases and stops.

“When one rubs two sticks together, heat is generated and fire is produced. But when one parts the sticks and lays them aside, any corresponding heat ceases and stops.

“In the same way, these three [categories of] feelings are born, rooted, sourced, and conditioned by contact.

“The appropriate feeling arises dependent on the corresponding contact. When the corresponding contact ceases, the appropriate feeling ceases.” Source

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