Monday, August 21, 2023

CIA does NOT lie. It "dis-informs"

Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

"Lying" is such an ugly word. It's preferable to call it "disinformation." The CIA (the U.S. government's quasi-independent office of propagandists and warlords known as the Central Intelligence Agency) engages in:
George Orwell warned of these things long ago.
But they do not lie! Read Orwell's book. Now don't worry about Project Mockingbird -- where the CIA, now having infiltrated all major media outlets, nudges editors (or hires the "right" ones in the first place so that nudging isn't even necessary) and steers the "official narrative" of everything reported by the news and influencers in the American media landscape.

Good luck finding an outlet not contaminated by disinformation, misinformation, collusion, infiltration, deception, limited hangouts, and good old phony-whistleblowing by agents like the man-of-the-moment David Grusch.
Orwell's 1984 playbook says it all
After all, the only good democracy is the completely controlled democracy that still thinks of itself as free, fair, and open rather than what it really is. Alcohol sales are booming in the U.S. to help if that nuisance known as Truth starts to get in the way of expedients and compromises in integrity and honesty. Even the good Dalai Lama was caught up in the CIA's net to have something on everyone in the media. The Company used the temporal and spiritual leader of Tibet as an operative in a proxy-war against China. It's still going on, while most Buddhists deny it in a kneejerk way. The Dalai Lama doesn't deny it. He's almost certainly been told not to talk about it, but the old Los Angeles Times sure has the [backfilled?] story in their archives.

The government is not allowed to spy on citizens, but private industry (for profit corporations) sure is. So the state buys files on us compiled by Google, Facebook, Instagram, Meta, Yahoo, AOL, Apple, and so on. That was a great loophole they thought up. And the bigger game is to make "privacy" a thing of the past, an anachronism, a farce that could never have been true anyway, so why worry? Drink up, or have your doctor prescribe something.
"Don't Panic" (Douglas Adams)
Grim CIA directors like William ColbyWilliam J. Casey, and George Bush are only taking after the NAZIs and Gestapo just as Operation Paperclip allowed them to do. It really is Spy vs. Spy out there, ruling the world while people laugh at the distracting gaffes provided by Donny Trump, Joey Biden, Kami Harris. Ronnie DeSantis, and George's son Georgie W. Junior.
G.W. Bush slipped up recently and told the truth
This was pointed out by the British genius Douglas Adams in The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, where he explains that the role of a political leader is not to wield power so much as to draw attention away from those who really wield the power (said in reference to the ever-entertaining bumbling dimwit Zaphod Beeblebrox, president of the galaxy).

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