Wednesday, August 9, 2023

Jimmy Dore Show: Pres. Marianne Williamson, Gov. Cuomo, AOC's a war pig, peace rally at UN

Jimmy Dore (; Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval, CC Liu, Wisdom Quarterly

Kamala Harris: If Biden runs again, should he pick someone less horrible? (
[Future U.S. President] Marianne Williamson has a plan for that | The New Yorker
She's eyeing another run (NBC News)
(The Jimmy Dore Show) There's a Democrat as daring as Dr. Cornel West (Green Party), as ambitious as California Governor Gavin "Don't Call Me a Nazi Because I'm a Democrat" Newsom (the DNC's ace in the hole in case Joe Biden topples over and can't get up), as verbal as someone who's gone through A Course in Miracles (as she has many times over), far more honest than Old Man Bernie (Sen. Sanders), someone able to think and talk on her feet as VP Kamala "Ha Ha Ha" Harris can only dream of doing. It's presidential hopeful Marianne Williamson. Hosts Jimmy Dore and Kurt Metzger interview her to see what she's up to now that Dennis Kucinich and Tulsi Gabbard are nowhere to be found except on unwelcoming TV networks. Bill Nye the Science Fly says "vote climate" because mainstream mouthpiece Neil deGrasse Tyson is sucking all the air out of the science explanation room they both occupy.

Peace rally at the UN w/ Jose Vega

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