Wednesday, August 16, 2023

The Maui fires: What really happened? (video)

The Maui fires - what really happened?
(Two Bit da Vinci) Aug. 16, 2023: Hearts go out to victims of the Maui fires and the residents of the former town Lahaina. It's been a heartbreak to see how the fires have unfolded. There isa lot to this, from how it started to the failure of government and energy companies to a slew of conspiracy theories trying to fill the information gap. [Our favorite is the use of a directed energy weapon on a drought-stricken area during windy conditions.] TBdV wants to bring some context and rationality to this tragedy, so let's figure this out together.
  • 0:00 - Introduction
  • 0:50 - What we know
  • 3:55 - What caused it?
  • 10:14 - Fire science
  • 12:05 - Non-native species
  • 13:25 - History of Hawaii
  • 16:57 - Big land grab?
  • 19:02 - Conspiracy theories
  • 21:20 - Hawaii wasn't prepared
  • 25:00 - How You Can Help
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What is covered? Maui wildfire, Hawaii fire, Hawaii wildfire, Lahaina fire, Lahaina wildfire, Hawaii fires now, Big Island now, How did they start? cause, conspiracy, Maui fires update

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