Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Vivek Ramaswamy wins Republican debate

Hindustan Times, Aug. 24, 2023; Forbes Breaking News (at Dick Nixon Library); Meet Kevin; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Does the stymied right honorable lady have no comeback? Look, Ma, I'm the new Dick Nixon!

Hey, Man, why you guys quoting Fox News? They suck!
And the other networks don't? Which is the unsucky one?

Indian-American Vivek Ramaswamy called "Obama," "rookie," "ChatGPT" but outshines others at Republican debate
Who is the new boy wonder? (NY Times)
(Hindustan Times) Indian-American entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy stole the show and attracted most of the limelight at the debate of eight Republican U.S. presidential candidates in Milwaukee. Despite being called "rookie, [Obama]...and the man who sounds like ChatGPT," the second in lead after Trump in the latest opinion polls shined at the debate. #vivekramaswamy

UNBIASED REVIEW: First Republican Debate (Fox): Vivek Ramaswamy, Ronnie DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Pence, et. al
(Meet Kevin) Aug. 23, 2023: The first Republican presidential primary debate of the 2024 election cycle featured eight GOP candidates who met the Republican National Committee's criteria to be on stage (no Black conservative radio guy Larry Elder). The debate hosted by Fox News on Wednesday at 9:00 pm ET was in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Conservative mouthpiece Dan Bongino says no one is a threat to Trump, who this time around has to choose a female VP candidate to woo suburban women. Will it be Haley? If he wants to copy Biden, who has Indian American Kamala. But Trump has other choices. Could Rama' win over the GOP with youth, smarts, enthusiasm, rising like an Obama? Is Ron ready to beg for the VP slot?
  1. I wanna run as a Repub. I'm angrier than Trump!
    Former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson,
  2. former New Jersey [obese, angry] Gov. Chris Christie,
  3. former U.S. VP [turncoat fanatic] Mike Pence,
  4. [socially awkward] Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis,
  5. [young Indian American entrepreneur and] businessman Vivek Ramaswamy,
  6. former South Carolina Gov. [and Indian American VP contender] Nikki Haley,
  7. [token Black candidate, because Herman Cain was busy, to prove Republicans aren't racist] U.S. Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC), and
  8. [yawn] North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum
A real billionaire in the White House?
debate at the first Republican candidates' debate of the 2024 U.S. presidential campaign in Milwaukee. Debate.

📝Contact info for Kevin and his Liability Disclaimer: This video is not a solicitation or personal financial advice. See the PPM at for more on HouseHack.

DISCLAIMER: Nothing here should be construed as political or voting advice, which is the right and privilege of every American (on small matters). As for big matters (like the presidency), that person will be selected as has been done for a long time now, based largely on that person's genetic relationship to King John of England, and what an elite vanguard of military-industrial complex tyrants deems best for the future of imperialism, capitalism, and militarism.

Move over, Barry Soetoro, Victory Ram-yourmommy is getting in the Swamp

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