Thursday, August 24, 2023

White US slaves in 1788? (Christopher Hitchins)

Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly OPINION

Yeah, I like what West Point teaches.
When George H. Bush was attending West Point Military Academy, he claims he learned an alternate US history we are not taught in school, namely, that it was the U.S. running most of the pirate operations in and around the Caribbean. That is how a nation starts. We were doing it against British/English ships and corporations (like maybe the Dutch East India Company or its equivalents working on the Colonies, possessions and protectorates of the British Empire). We (North Americans it what came to be the USA) were the grand criminals. Bush with this knowledge went on to become CIA director then president of the U.S. So either it's true what West Point teaches its students, and we are being lied to in the rest of the country, or West Point teaches disinformation (purposeful lies) to its students to carry on our plunder, exploitation, and imperialism throughout the world, saying it's nothing different than what we've always done. One and a half million white European and American slaves taken by the Ottoman Empire in the century beginning 1788, Hitchens? That would be a fantastic revelation if it's not a self-serving fantasy to justify our exploitation of others and serve as a pretext told to West Point students and soldiers for our warring with and bullying of Muslim nations (Iraq, Afghanistan, Palestine, Yemen, Iran, Libya, Syria, Saudi Arabia, the Middle East in general, Northern Africa as a whole which includes Israel but that is hidden on maps and in discussions, etc.) Oh, if only Hitchins were alive to ask him about it. Perhaps other historians specializing in American history, covert and overt, would opine.

Atheist Hitchens lays into secular Jews

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