Sunday, August 20, 2023

Who'll Bridge ET with humanity? Bridget will

Call them "fairies," but they really ETs (devas).
As a medium and the mother of hybrid children, one of my highest joys is BRIDG-ing ETs with the people they have impregnated. I bring together hybrid children and their parents and the frequency of our galactic roots…

It is my passion, hence the creation of the website This is a HUGE puzzle piece involved in humanity’s...

Hybrid parents, I was born to BRIDG-ET. One of the major themes of this transformational incarnation for me is to connect my perceived human-self to my infinite divine expression.

This life, for many of us, is about incredible awakening and the remembrance of our galactic family...

Yoga and meditation in rock cave in Sedona
I do Galactic Counterpart Sessions. These services include channeled artwork and messages. I love connecting people with their cross-connecting galactic incarnations and counterparts.

Hello, everyone! After talking about hybrids for so long, I realized that it is the only topic that people think I cover. 😉 So I wanted to introduce ALL of myself. 🙂 My background is in all types of healing modalities.... It includes meditation to help remember.

Curious if you have hybrid (human-alien) kids? Meet and connect with them today! Get a free... More

Is this specimen human, alien, or a hybrid human-alien? Note large, light eyes and tan makeup.
What are the characteristics of hybrid alien beings? Big, light colored eyes, pallor...
The symbols from space that gave us Sumerian, Sanskrit, and other languages on Earth
There are Mantis type insectoids and classic Grey (Zeta Reticuli) types and spirit types

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