Monday, September 11, 2023

9/11: the science and evidence (Dr. Wood)

Dr. Judy Wood; Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Dr. Wood: First, "know what you know." Start with the bare facts of what we have here.

“The Towers didn’t burn up, nor did they slam to the ground. They turned (mostly) to dust in mid air.” This is unprecedented in physics. They did not explode or burn. Rather, they were "dustified." What could do such a thing? A directed energy weapon striking from above. Who could have developed and deployed such an advanced technology secret weapon? Only one country -- the United States of America. The CIA has much to answer for this false flag operation, utilizing drone, holograms, actual windowless planes, manipulation of the media, confiscation of original video footage.

Few people will examine the tangible, forensic evidence, preferring instead to jump ahead can confuse things by shouting, "But why would they do it? They wouldn't! We wouldn't do that to ourselves." Science shows what happened and leaves the why till later. There is no doubt WHAT happened. Let's stick to that without confusing the issue or doing everything to obfuscate the facts. Dr. Judy Wood is a scientist and an expert in exactly the field that deals with what happened in this instance. There are many lines of evidence to show a conspiracy, but there's no need to go there yet. Let's start with the basics, free of the assumption and mantra of calling the event a "terrorist attack" to mislead thoughtless speakers and reporters.
Dick: Still talkin about this? He's dead. Let it go!
The most exciting evidence not addressed by Dr. Wood, who's a scientist not a litigator, is: What about the "terrorists" on the planes that day that were still alive afterwards? They were alive and walking around trying to get attention even as their names and photos were vilified and circulated widely. Why wouldn't the mainstream media interview and clear them?

Where is there any evidence, such as airport photos or surveillance video from 9/11/01 that they even got on the planes they allegedly brought down?

Never mind all of the coincidences and circumstantial evidence and how only a fraction of the people who worked in the towers were in the buildings at the time of their controlled demolition. Forget all that. There's so much "loose change" to account for. It doesn't change the science and forensic evidence.

But, of course, no evidence is good enough for people who want not to believe. Why? Because you can't wake up people who are only pretending to be asleep. That's right, there-there, beddy bye-bye, good nighty night, and sweet dreams. 💖

A "plane" hit the Pentagon? And it was totally disintegrated and disappeared except for clues
The rabbit hole starts here...

Jeff Rense research is aggregated at
We have the real estate. How do we get insurance money AND use it as a pretext to invade those damn Afghans and Iraqis, and Iranians, Yemenis, Lebanese, Sudanese...and get this NDAA passed?
Burning towers from "space," which would be 50 miles up, and this is not 50 miles, more like 20, where a flying vehicle equipped with a directed energy beam could sit for the duration of the dustification.

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