Friday, September 15, 2023

Hitler's private life (Eva Braun home movie)

The home movies showing Hitler's private life (BBC Reel) (; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.). Wisdom Quarterly
What a lovely boy you have. You should enlist him in my Hitler Youth program, Madame.
In his down time, when not guiding an industrial nation or meeting with ETs, he liked to read.
Look, Eva! I could go to Hollywood and really make a name for myself on the big screen.

Oh, you're not so bad, Mr. Fuhrer! - But I'm uncomfortable around Frauliens. Eva!
Sieg heil, mien Fuhrer. We're cousins, aren't we? - No, no, my parents were, Liepshen.
I can do my hair in a pompadour, dance, and maybe get a backing band.
Ooh, I look so fashionable! All the other Nazis are going to be so jealous in Berlin!!!
Adolf needed a Hitler-cat to cement his image as a big softie, but he had a German shepherd.

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