Saturday, September 30, 2023

Ethnobotany Walk: Autumn Plant Dyes (10/15)

Chris Nyerges, School of Self-Reliance; Ananda (DBM), Xochitl, Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Enjoy a plant day with guest leader and fiber-arts artisan Amy Stewart and Rob Remedi for another plant-dyeing and ethnobotany class, this time focusing on the plants and colors of the fall season.

The native plants featured are black walnut (brown), cactus-cochineal (pink), sagebrush (yellow), and orange (an over-dye).

Chumash Cecilia Garcia and Dr. Adams, USC
The class will also have an ethnobotany walk. This class starts with a short easy walk identifying plants and their uses, as well as which ones yield color.

Upon return from our walk, we'll learn the plant dyeing process and how to prepare different fibers (wool, cotton, silk) for dyeing, then make the dye bath and take home a fabric of choice.

This is a fun, informative, and hands-on class, exploring nature's colorful and useful bounty.

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