Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Gas prices rise but a SOLUTION exists

Cameron KiszlaKTLA, 9/12/23; Sheldon S., CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
I have a Tesla, so I'm not part of the problem...most days, unless I run out of juice and use gas.
Gas prices soar higher in Southern California
Don't drink it; pore it in the tank
Buckle up, Southern California. Overly high gas prices are back with a vengeance [just as was predicted years ago to align with Big Oil's plan to milk the endless supply of polluting petroleum, which German scientists proved grows naturally in the ground by the magic of microbes in the soil and is not coming from old dinosaur fossil deposits. But it takes a long, long time to replenish and is very toxic and polluting when brought up and burned into the atmosphere. Big Oil also doesn't want anyone to know that clean, natural alcohol can be a gas as a byproduct of natural yeasts and microbes eating sugars].

Los Angeles County [the self-proclaimed Capital of the World because what happens here eventually happens everywhere else] prices are up to an average of $5.56 per gallon.

A month ago, that price was $5.22, according to AAA. That’s higher than the state’s average of $5.46 and far higher than the national average of $3.84.

[They'll have us all in 5G remote controlled electric vehicles, which will be more polluting to fuel up even if less polluting to operate, by outlawing internal combustion engines that run on petroleum in the name of climate change alarmism. But sourcing rare earth minerals to make batteries on an industrial scale then burning coal to make electricity to power them is known to be far more polluting than the system now in place.]

[Though devices and techniques to get 100 MPG have been around for 50 years, they will not be allowed because that would bankrupt Big Oil, which has a graph and prognostication on how much money they are going to make from the remaining amount of peak oil at their disposal, over how long, and at what price at the pump.]

[They will not be deterred by engineering innovations, better fuel efficiency standards, alcohol as a replacement fuel, solar, wind, methane, free energy (which is not even allowed to mention), hydrogen fuel cells, or systems yet to be brought to market or dreamed up. But Big Oil will bow out to make room for "smart cities" and an agenda of greater government surveillance and control.]

It's already working as detailed in Blume's book
It’s also higher than this time last year, when a gallon was $5.41 on average. 

However, it’s still lower than the highest local average ever for L.A. County, which was recorded a little over a year ago:

On June 14, 2022, the average price for a gallon of regular unleaded gas was $6.44. Despite the climbing costs, deals can still be found. shows prices as low as $4.69 in the greater Los Angeles area. More

Solution? Alcohol fuel from sugars

A plant goddess (bhumi devi) knew all along
(David Blume, ...We can reverse global warming. Since alcohol is made from plants, its production takes carbon dioxide out of the air, sequestering it, with the result that it reverses the greenhouse effect (while potentially vastly improving the soil).

Recent studies show that with a permaculture-designed mixed-crop alcohol fuel production system, the amount of greenhouse gases removed from the atmosphere by plants -- then exuded by plant roots into the soil as sugar -- can be 13 times what is emitted by processing the crops and burning the alcohol in our cars.
A peaceful solution? No "blood for oil"?
We can revitalize the economy instead of suffering through Peak Oil. Oil is running out, and what we replace it with will make a big difference in our environment and economy.

Alcohol fuel production and use is clean and environmentally sustainable, and will revitalize families, farms, towns, cities, industries, as well as the environment.

A national switch to alcohol fuel would provide many millions of new permanent jobs. No new technological breakthroughs are needed. We can make alcohol fuel out of what we have, where we have it....

Unlike hydrogen fuel cells, we can easily use alcohol fuel in the vehicles we already own.

Unmodified cars can run on 50% alcohol. And converting to 100% alcohol or flexible fueling (using both alcohol and gas) costs only a few hundred dollars.

Most auto companies already sell new dual-fuel vehicles.

This would've bankrupted us and Bush Dynasty
Alcohol is a superior fuel to gasoline! It’s 105 octane, burns much cooler with less vibration, is less flammable in case of accident, is 98% pollution-free, has lower evaporative emissions, and deposits no carbon in the engine or oil, resulting in a tripling of engine lifeMore

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