Friday, September 22, 2023

HAIR musical, live, closing night (9/24)

Sarah Azcarate; Dhr. Seven, Ananda (Dharma Buddhist Meditation), Wisdom Quarterly

Flower power: say no to war and yes to love.
Interested in a fun time? It's "The American Tribal Love-Rock Musical" about the 1960s with fantastic choreography, singing, dancing, anti-establishment themes, and joyful exuberance. "Let the sunshine in"! Sure there are drug references and scantily dressed people jumping around, but it's enjoyable for everyone.

I love live drama with rock singing
Sarah and Oliver, Melissa and Chris are doing it again. HAIR is back high above Pasadena on Lake Ave.

It's the 1960s. The US War on Vietnam (with secret carpet bombing of innocent noncombatant civilians in Cambodia and Laos) rages on. But hippie peaceniks and counterculture pot smokers are not having it.

It's time to rebel, burn those pesky draft notices calling on us to kill, and shake off the oppression of the Establishment. It's time for youthful resistance to wear our hair as we like and to live free. Live rock music accompanies each performance. Gates open at 7:30 with pre-show entertainment.

HAIR is presented by arrangement with Concord Theatricals on behalf of Tams-Witmark, LLC (, to support of the arts with all-local acting and musical talent.

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