Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Hollywood hitman hates meditators (video)

Will Conybeare (KTLA, 9/10/23); Dhr. Seven, Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Don't breathe, Punk! (Hitman)
In the time of the Buddha, 
Māra, who delights in putting up obstacles to absorption and insight, attempted to block his enlightenment and liberation. While Mara is generally spoken of as a metaphor, it is impossible to believe that Mara is merely a metaphor when reading the Mara Samyutta, the fourth section of the SN (S.i.103 27). These texts record the activities of a being in human form. Though the man shot in Hollywood has not been named, could it be actor Kevin "Otto" Kline, which seems to be how Hollywood views Buddhist meditation?

Meditating man shot on Hollywood’s Walk of Fame in Los Angeles
Will Conybeare | KTLA, 9/10/23; edited by Wisdom Quarterly

Work is done. Money's made. Time to meditate.
(KTLA) A man who was meditating on the world-famous Walk of Fame in Hollywood was wounded in an apparently random shooting early Sunday morning, authorities said.

The victim, identified only as an approximately 44-year-old white man, was meditating on the sidewalk just after 3:20 am in the 6300 block of Hollywood Boulevard, according to Los Angeles Police.

That’s when [Mara disguised as] another man [one possessed by Mara's influence] walked up to him and opened fire, striking him at least once, police said.

Don't even think of meditating in peace.
The victim was taken to a local hospital, where he was said to be in stable condition. No suspect description has been released.

Police said that they believe the shooting was random and that the victim was not homeless. No explanation was provided as to why he felt possessed to meditate at the open-air tourist attraction at such an odd hour. Although still summer, the weather was not particularly good for a sit. Meditating man shot on the Hollywood Walk of Fame (ktla.com)

SUTRA: Mara’s Snare (1)
Bhikkhu Bodhi (trans.), Paṭhamamārapāsa Sutta (SN 4.4), "Connected Discourses with Mara"; Dhr. Seven (ed.), Wisdom Quarterly
Thus have I heard. Once the Blessed One [the Buddha] was dwelling at Baraṇasi in the Deer Park at the Resort of Seers (Isipatana). He addressed the meditators: “Meditators!”

“Venerable!” they replied.

“Meditators, by careful attention, by careful right [balanced] effort, I have arrived at unsurpassed liberation, I have realized unsurpassed liberation.

“You also, meditators, by careful attention, by careful right [balanced] effort, will arrive at unsurpassed liberation, will realize unsurpassed liberation.”

Then Mara the Evil One approached the Blessed One and addressed him in verse:

“Bound by Mara’s snare are you,
Celestial and human;
Bound by Mara’s bonds:
You shall not escape me, ascetic!”

The Blessed One replied:

I am free of Mara’s snare,
Celestial and human;
I am free of Mara’s bonds:
You’re defeated, End-maker!”

Then Mara the Evil One…disappeared right then and there. Source

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