Thursday, September 28, 2023

Meditate in woods or sports in the house?

Amber Larson and Dhr. Seven, Wisdom Quarterly
Pürblack Pure Mineral Shilajit Live Resin (CYMBIOTIKA)

Sit for insight.
Free your mind. Kill your TV.
It's Thursday, it's "football night." The whole living room will be filled with the stench of warm electronics, sweaty couches, bad food, and spilled brew. Would I be better off taking a hike? The woods behind the house would make a nice start. The trailhead up the hill could serve for a more strenuous exercise of my limbs. Eat the mountain (shilajit or "destroyer of weakness," pronounced \she-luh-jeet\), walk the forest. Fulvic acid (Asphaltum) oozes out of the Himalayas in the summer.

Hun, kill your TV. - You crazy? The game's on!
The yogi meditators there depended on it. It's fulvic acid, full of essential trace minerals and other odd nutrients one would not expect in rock. Of course, it's probably a biological byproduct of microbes breaking down organic matter in the ground until it oozes out.  (German scientists discovered this is how oil, not a fossil fuel, is replenished in the ground after a very long time, but Big Oil ignores that and claims we're at peak oil so we have to be charged higher prices).

We can swim in mineral water? Epsom salt hot springs
Minerals, unlike vitamins, do not go bad. They remain for millions of years. Dr. Joel Wallach ( thinks they are the key to youthfulness, health, and longevity. They can no longer be found in food, even with a diverse and balanced diet, because they are no longer in the ground. Industrial farming practices have depleted them. Synthetic fertilizers only put three back (the agrominerals NPK), but plants need all 70 or 80 to make their magic, like the subtle taste of real peaches and other fruits that have all gone bland over sugary.

Ayur-Veda is "Knowledge of Life"
It's amazing what nutrients we've lost by the way we eat after hunting and gathering in supermarkets. Once, during the time of the Buddha, there were monastics who could not make any progress toward enlightenment in their meditation compared to others. The came to see him and asked about it. He inquired into their diets and advised local supporters to provide them with the eight kinds of foods, in accordance with ancient proto-Indian (possibly Ayurvedic science) practices.

The eight might include types of food that are hard, soft, sweet, sour, bitter, astringent, and so on. In other words, it would be a balanced diet more likely to contain all the macro and micronutrients needed for health. Snap! Being provided with alms food like this, they were able to succeed in meditation and reach the goal for which children of good families leave the home-life for the left-home life. In no long time they were among the noble ones (Arya = persons along the Four Stages of Enlightenment).

Dad, can we change it to Golden Bachelor?
Fried potatoes. Acrylamide. Rotten gluten grains. Alcohol. Both are strong depressives. Stay in, watch the war game that is American football?
Hey, no h*m*, but nice butt, guy! - Huh?
Or get out and breathe fresh air, hear the crunch of leaves and twigs underfoot, see birds flit and soar, hear the gurgle of water, listen for frogs and insects, inhale the scent of flowers and mushrooms blooming out of season (due to the odd rain patterns in what used to be the dry time), run with the dog, find a seat at the root of a tree, mindfully breathe in, mindfully breathe out, settle the mind into the present moment (because breathing is only ever happening NOW, in the eternal now that always is if only I could remember (sati/smriti) to notice it?

What is the "destroyer of weakness"?
Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit

It brings hair and vitality back, all vegan
What is Sanskrit shilajit, Jew's pitch (Bitumen of Judea), English asphalt, Russian mumijo, or German mumie? It is natural organic-mineral product of predominantly natural biological origin, formed in the mountains (in mountain crevices and caves).

It is a blackish-brown powder or exudate from high mountain rocks, often found in the Himalayas (in Central Asia, Badakhshan, Afghanistan [Scythian Shakya Land], Karakoram, Gilgit-Baltistan), Pakistan, Nepal, the Buddhist Kingdom of Bhutan, Russia in the mountains of the Caucasus, Altai, Iran [Aryan Land], Mongolia and in the south of Peru, where it is called "Andean Shilajit."

Also known as μούμια (Greek), Mumiyo (Russian), Brag-shun or Barakhshin ("oil of the mountains" in South Siberian region of the Sayano-Altai Mountains, Khakassia, Buddhist Buryatia, Mongolia), "rock sap" or "rock juice" (in Tibet, Central Asia, Himalaya, Pamir, and Altai), Marathi or Gujarati (in Hindi), Asphalt (in English), Silajita, Silajatu (in Bengali), Hajarul-Musa or Araq-al-jibal (in Arabic), Myemu, Moomiaii or Mumnaei (in Persian), Mumie (in German), Mineral Pitch, Jew’s Pitch, Mineral Wax, Kao-tun ("blood of the mountain" in Burma), Tasmay and Slag (China), "Blessing of Nature" (Nepal).

The peoples of the East used shilajit/mumiyo in folk and non-traditional (alternative) medicine (Ayurveda, Chinese, Tibetan). It is sold both in pure form and as part of dietary supplements... More

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