Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Rockefeller: no natural meds, all Big Pharma

Mike MacRae as "Mitt Romney," Guest Host Craig "Pasta" Jardula, comedic sidekick Kurt Metzger (TJDS at jimmydore.com); Ashley Wells, CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

What is the goal of Big Pharma? - Big Profit$
John D. Rockefeller KILLED natural medicine and started Big Pharma to consolidate Big Oil, war for profit, and "allopathic" toxic synthetic chemicals as "medicine," giving symptomatic relief -- costly "treatments" -- while outlawing the use of the word "cure" for any medical claim. Natural medicinals, which worked for centuries or longer in the case of Native American herbs and wholistic care.

Thoughtcrime is a de facto crime (1984).
Who was behind the takedown of Russell Brand? When mainstream media giants investigate, fabricate, and insinuate, it's over. But why did Brand need to silenced? And who was behind the push to dredge up 20-year-old incidents no one was complaining about? Was Brand a promiscuous slut? Admittedly so. Was YouTube eager to find any reason to deplatform the popular influencer? He had to be stopped at all costs. So what if he's not been found guilty of anything? He wasn't being investigated, so an investigation was opened to justify maligning him and keeping him off the utility that YouTube has become for so many influencers. Censor yourself or be censored.

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