Wednesday, September 13, 2023

US enemy Libya hit by devastating flood

Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly COMMENTARY

New footage emerges of aftermath of flooding in Derna, Libya
(Forbes Breaking News) Sept. 15, 2023: DONATE TO HELP: New footage has emerged after the deadly flooding caused by Storm Daniel in Derna, Libya, on the Mediterranean.

(Sept. 11, 2023): At "2:30 am in town explosions are heard [as if the second dam is blown up on purpose or by an enemy, as happened during Katrina in the U.S. when the powers that be decided to flood and wipe out low-lying New Orleans and blame it on natural weather catastrophes] possibly the second dam [protecting Derna bursts sending a tsunami wall of water out to sea along with a lot of dead bodies]. Within minutes a quarter of the town was submerged by the flood, taking everything in its path."

Libya floods: Up to 20,000 people dead amid catastrophic damage
(Channel 4 News) Sept. 13, 2023: International aid is slow to arrive in eastern Libya amid fears that tens of thousands are buried alive under mud and rubble. Entire neighborhoods in the city of Derna have been washed into the sea, there are shortages of food and safe drinking water -- and relief teams are struggling to reach the worst hit areas because bridges and roads are washed out. So many people have died that hospitals have been turned into makeshift morgues. At least no one's calling it a war.

Libya floods: fears that 20,000 are dead
(BBC News) Sept. 13, 2023: There are fears that as many as 20,000 people may be dead in the flooding that has devastated northern Libya after two dams burst [or were detonated] during storms. The coastal Mediterranean city of Derna suffered the worst of the disaster.  There have been desperate calls for more humanitarian support as victims lie wrapped in body bags and others have been buried in mass graves.  Many people were washed out to sea when the floods struck. Rescue teams have been digging through the rubble of collapsed buildings in the hope of finding survivors.  At least 30,000 people are said to be homeless.

Sophie Raworth presents BBC News at Ten reporting by Quentin Sommerville and Frank Gardner. #BBCNews

What could have happened in Libya?
We'll misuse all technology we get our hands on
Being the U.S. military's easy target (here's a nod to you, slave-resisting Haiti), belligerent enemy (anyone who dares talk back, eh-hem, U.S.-embarrassing North Korea), or anyone who does not cooperate with the U.S. Empire's plans for world domination (Chinese-friend Mr. Putin) is not a safe thing to be. There are no international standards, at least none that any force dare impose.

NATO are puppets the U.S. manipulates to do its dirty work. Once a very smart man, Muammar Khaddafi realized he should unite the countries of the continent of Africa and make a gold-back unit of money to compete with the universal greenback (the presumptive world currency because of the U.S. imposing its use on everyone else for the oil trade). This earned the wealthy leader of Libya a death sentence. The U.S. was not going to put up with a fair playing field or a united Pan-Africa.

"Generals gathered in their masses/ Just like witches at black masses/ Evil minds that plot destruction/ Sorcerer of death's construction/ In the fields, the bodies [drowning]/ As the war machine keeps [pounding]/ Death and hatred to mankind/ Poisoning their brainwashed minds// Oh, Lord, yeah// Politicians hide themselves away/ They only started the war/ Why should they go out to fight?/ They leave that all to the poor..." lyrics
(Black Sabbath with Ozzy Osbourne, "War Pigs")

Those "clouds"? They help HAARP work.
Though he was taken out, with one president bombing his personal house to teach him a lesson, flaunting all international standards, using the pretext that it was just revenge for something or a preemptive strike on something we were going to say he was going to do. Now the world is expected to believe that, while the U.S. Department of War (under the euphemism "defense"), the CIA, the Pentagon, and alphabet agencies such as the NSA and NSC are just going to sit on the weather modification secret weapons they possess?

Sure, this horrific flooding that has already killed 20,000 is just an "act of God," climate change collateral damage, chance, bad luck... The covert military had no hand in it. We're just a God-fearing nation seeking vengeance on or enemies, real and perceived. We'll make an example out of any impoverished country or tiny military to enlarge our empire and deploy more and more unbelievable weaponry, all while convincing U.S. taxpayers that we actually need more military spending to keep up with everyone else because we spend more than everyone else put together when black budget project estimates are included.

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