Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Did Tartars build the Great Wall of China?

L. Aurelian, 7/22/23; CC Liu, Pfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S., Dhr.. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
There's really just one interesting fact about the Great Wall: It was not built by the Chinese.

Tartarian Empire (Tartary)?

Tartaria: Before the Reset
(Lucius Aurelian) Let's explore to consider how the civilization that immediately preceded ours, which we might call the Tartarian Civilization, may have appeared. What were their true capabilities, and how did they manage to construct such enduring architectural feats? How did they achieve such a civilization, and what might have been the cause of their downfall? #tartaria #oldworld #civilization
  • Raw flesh eaters: Did the giants of Tartaria eat raw meat, possibly human ("steak tartare"), made palatable with a tart, umami, pungent Tartar sauce? Think of legendarily fierce warriors of the area, the Tartar Turks, the Cossacks, the Mongol Hordes, Genghis Khan's army/cavalry...
  • The "Horde" was neither a conventional empire nor a dynastic state, even less a nation-state. It was a great nomadic regime born from the Mongol expansion of the 13th century, an equestrian regime that became so powerful it ruled virtually all of today’s Russia, including Western Siberia, for almost three centuries. The Horde was the most enduring regime of all those that descended from the Mongol conquerors. Yet, despite the rich evidence we possess about the Horde, it remains little understood. Far more has been written about the Ilkhanids, the Mongol rulers of the Middle East, and the Yuan, the... More
Tartarian Empire?
Wisdom Quarterly Wiki edit
Was ancient Tartaria (Tartary or the Tartarian Empire) the origin of "Russia"?
Tartary or Tartaria is a historical name for a massive portion of Central Asia [where the Buddha was born, in Gandhara, Scythia great-foothold of the clan (maha-janapada of Shakyians in and around Kapilavastu), Indo-Sakastan, modern Afghanistan along the Silk Road] and Siberia [North Asia].
  • Ukraine was long the "heart of Russia"
    [Though now considered Eastern Europe, the Ukraine Soviet Socialist Republic was long considered the "heart" of the Russian Empire. One Ukrainian researcher even claimed that the Buddha was born in Ukraine, which seems possible because of the extent of Central Asia and the constantly changing borders of what is considered "Ukraine," even before the USA, CIA, NATO proxy war against Russia.]
Ignorance surrounding Tartary's use as a place name has spawned "conspiracy theories," including ideas of a "hidden past" and "mud floods."

"Ukraine" keeps changing its size and territories
Researchers assert that Tartary (or the "Tartarian Empire") is the name of a lost civilization with advanced technology and culture -- leading to inexplicable photographs of amazing advancements of building ahead of their time, explained by a Great Reset, making us believe we are the makers of the most advanced architectural feats even though we cannot build what the ancients left behind.

Few Americans even know where Ukraine is
There is a well-documented history of Asia (the "Orient"), which is where Tartary is said to have ben [1]. Part of modern Russia, and much of the former USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics), is in Greater Asia.

Today, the presumed Tartary region covers a region spanning from Central Afghanistan to Northern Kazakhstan, as well as areas in present-day Mongolia, China ("Chinese Tartary"), and the Russian Far East.

When the CIA wants war, it gets war
The upsetting theory of Great Tartaria as the suppressed history of a lost land or civilization originated in Russia, with aspects first appearing in Anatoly Fomenko’s New Chronology, then popularized by the racial occult history of Nikolai Levashov.

Russian science, known for its avid nationalism, claims Tartaria as the "real" name of Russia, which was maliciously "ignored" by the West [2, 3].

The Russian Geographical Society has dismissed this idea as an extremist fantasy. Far from denying the existence of the term, it has used the opportunity to share numerous maps of "Tartary" in its collection [4].

Since about 2016, the supposed lost civilization and Empire of Tartaria have gained popularity on the Internet but now divorced from its original Russian nationalist frame [5]. More

They were giants compared to modern humans

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