Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why men's testosterone is so low (video)

Joseph Everett, What I've Learned, 11/15/20; Sheldon S., CC Liu (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

(What I've Learned) [Mood is strange, and so much of it depends on our testosterone (male and masculinizing hormone called androgen) levels. Social factors can depress our testosterone, just as xenoestrogens (xenoestrogens) in the environment. The herbicide atrazine (a teratogen) really does turn frogs gay or into females, as Alex Jones used to scream about. These chemicals mimic estrogen. Compounds in plastics like the plasticizer BPA and dangerous and can turn us fat, anxious, depressed, weak, effeminate, possibly even sending over the social contagion that accounts for some transgender affectations and behaviors.]
  • 0:00 - Our brains love social dynamics
  • 1:17 - Status and Testosterone
  • 2:50 - Instagram and Mental Health
  • 3:03 - Why raise Testosterone and How?
  • 4:16 - Testosterone changes your behavior
  • 5:48 - Social Anxiety and Testosterone
  • 8:00 - Are you depressed or just low status?
  • 8:53 - Does Instagram teach you you are low status?
  • 9:37 - How many people should we be comparing ourselves to?
  • 11:52 - Testosterone is a positive feedback loop
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