Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Gas deposit under Gaza: How to move pop?

Mark Rubin, Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Israel to work with Egypt, Palestinian Authority (West Bank, not Gaza) to develop Gaza gas field
(i24NEWS English) June 19, 2023: Ariel Margalith breaks down how and why Israel is planning on joining Egypt and the Palestinian Authority [of the West Bank, since Gaza is run by the political party Hamas, which is not the same as the El Qassam Brigades who executed a cross border attack after tearing down the prison wall between Gaza and Gaza Open Air Prison] in developing an offshore natural gas reserve.

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ABOUT: Israel Business Beat is a magazine program bringing an insider’s look into the latest breakthroughs out of the "Start Up Nation" that is the genocidal settler colonial real estate the West created by arming and funding a Jewish state on top of Palestinians' heads. Sundays 9:30 PM GMT.

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