Thursday, October 19, 2023

Holy Jewish hate of Ben Shapiro (comedy)

Mike MacRae, Jimmy Dore, Craig Jardula, Kurt Metzger (The Jimmy Dore Show,; Seth AuberonPfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S.Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

CIA-groomed warmonger P.M. Bibi Netanyahu
Burned babies? Who is so depraved as to need to "see" photographic proof that the "animals" called "Hamas" (a political party that acts as a stand in for all Palestinians, including those in the West, where no member of the Hamas party or movement lives). Radio show host Ben Shapiro is viewed as a brilliant lawyer, though he may never have used his law degree in actual courts. He nevertheless beguiles fans with his fast-talking logic, which is actually sophistry. Slow down his babbling and hear how empty it is. No time can be left between thoughts or listeners might notice. He seems so sure of himself that we begin to believe, nod our heads in hypnotic agreement, and can't hope to debate such a bright fast talker full of unquestionable assumptions.

American Jews agree Israel is dead wrong for provoking and retaliating?
Due Dissidence comes on TJDS to tell some counterintuitive truths.

We both want more billions, America, now!
Shapiro is calling for atrocities, war crimes, ethnic cleansings, settler colonialism, and genocide, but he won't call it by these legalistic names. He's a lawyer after all. He has better euphemisms, words, and arguments to hide the truth. Zionism means go steal someone's land for your own homeland. You need a state, so they need to move. Won't move? Displace them. House in shrinking concentration-refugee camps, with US foreign aid. AM hate radio has its consequences. Shapiro is not alone. There are Praeger, Levin, Gorkha, and others all claiming they have the "moral high ground" to kill and call for humans to be killed. "They're not human anyway, so it's okay, guys. Israel is the only army in the world that 'knocks on the roof' before blowing your house off so you get a :59 second head start in running downstairs and down into the street to see it."

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