Sunday, October 22, 2023

Israel's "Roadmap to Apartheid" (video)

Journeyman Pictures, 10/18/23; BabyGirlPfc. Sandoval, Sheldon S. (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Shocking insight into Israel's Apartheid
Sorry, Imam, it's just that the Rabbi here and I have many of the same fans in the USA.
(Journeyman Pictures) With a comparison between apartheid South Africa and Israel's displacement of Palestinians from Palestine, this documentary traces the future of one conflict from the past of another.

Weaving the history of apartheid into the complex issues facing Jewish Israelis and non-Jewish Palestinians, it highlights the frighteningly similar laws and tools used by Israel and racist apartheid-era South Africa.

It's a dark picture of the present but offers hope based on the peace that South Africa eventually found.

Noam Chomsky destroys the idea that "Israel" has some special right to be settler colonialists
(BabyGirl) Oct. 15, 2023: Dr. Chomsky is Jewish and a famous social scientist (co-author of Manufacturing Consent), an MIT linguist, and a public intellectual revered in most of the world, purposely ignored in the U.S. (except maybe on Amy Goodman's Democracy Now! or a Hollywood movie about him but not about his research or political opinions).

Does Israel care about anything he says? It seems that unless a Jewish person tows the Zionist party line, they're as good to Israel as an Arab. And the only good Arab is a... Yeah, so, it seems certain neither the US nor its illegal occupation project in the Middle East cares what this famous Jewish analyst has to say.

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