Monday, October 23, 2023

Israel killing from above, waiting for ground

La 2de Guerre Mondiale, 5/5/23; Pacifica Evening News, 10/23/23; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
No apparent motive we just kill and kill again, survive our brutal thrashing, we hunt you to the end, our lives are a constant battle, the rage of many men, homicidal maniacs (Slayer "Kill Again")

From Auschwitz to Jerusalem (documentary)
(La 2de Guerre Mondiale) On May 14, 1948, in Tel Aviv, David Ben Gurion proclaimed before a thousand people moved to tears the synthetic British "creation" of the State of Israel. It was a speech received by Jews around the world as the fulfillment of the wildest dream: the end of 2,000 years of exile, getting kicked out of every country they offended, now finally getting the chance to beat on and abuse people lower on the totem pole and dispossessing them of their land as had been done to them so many times. The West, through the brilliance of the British imperialists, had finally found a way to get rid of them without offending them and thereby using them to control the Middle East. For the survivors of the death [or bug decontamination and relocation] camps, the creation of the State of Israel was an immense comfort. But for the 700,000 Palestinians who will flee or be driven out of the new country, it was the start of an unimaginable injustice, a Nakba or "Catastrophe." From the first [pre-Hitler European exclusions to] Nazi persecutions to the present day, passing through the tragedy of the Exodus [when even God didn't like them] and the UN vote for the partition of Palestine in 1947 [just like it partitioned India and Pakistan, locking them forever in war and communal violence in the same year], this fascinating documentary explains with rigor and without bias the origins of a conflict which still persists... Director: Serge de Sampigny.

Israeli soldier: Palestinians right to resist

Israeli soldier's explosive tell-all: "Palestinians are right to resist"
(Empire Files) 3/20/17: In a rare, candid conversation, Abby Martin interviews a former Israeli Army combat soldier who served as an occupier in Palestine’s Hebron City. Eran Efrati spent years as a sergeant and combat soldier in the Israeli military but has since become an outspoken critic of the occupation of Palestine and Israeli apartheid. Efrati gives explosive testimony on the reality of his service and explains how war crimes are institutionalized, as well as how systematic the oppression against Palestinians really is in a war of conquest that will no-doubt be accelerated under the Trump administration.
Monday, Oct. 23, 2023, 6:00 PM News
Israel ramps up air strikes on Gaza Strip open-air prison as US advises delaying ground war to allow talks on captives; Hamas militants release two hostages they had been holding captive in the Gaza Strip as third small aid convoy from Egypt is finally allowed to by Israel to enter Gaza. Comprehensive coverage of the day’s news with a focus on war and peace, social, environmental, and economic justice. Humanitarian aid is beginning to be allowed to trickle into Gaza, even as bombing and discriminate murder of civilians under the pretext that they are all Hamas fighters, supporters, or "in the way" (collateral damage) continues, which defines 2 million Palestinians in Gaza. And the death toll rises as Israel gleefully moves in for more and more wiping out of a people on their own land. Some lawmakers are calling for a cease-fire, but the Biden administration says that would only give Hamas time to regroup, so no one is allowed to use the term…More

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