Saturday, October 21, 2023

Israel's Hilltop Youth: Jewish killers (doc)

Doc (Al Jazeera English, 2019); Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

🇮🇱 Israel's Hilltop Youth: Thou Shalt Not Kill [Unless You Interpret Your Bible or Talmud as Commanding That You Must Kill] | Radicalized Youth
(Al Jazeera English) How dare anyone even dream of comparing these violent Ashkenazi Youth to the famous German Youth of WWII. They should not be called "terrorists" because, well, that's divisive and muddies the water. We need clear lines of divisions, white hats on this side, black hats on that side.

Here (Israel) as there (WWII Germany) a right-wing and deeply biased government tacitly accepts and approves of this youthful behavior, even in some way supporting them and thanking them for doing the daily dirty work that looks bad when the IDF (Israeli Army) does it wearing uniforms.

Al Jazeera is funded in whole or in part by the Qatari government (Wikipedia).

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