Monday, October 30, 2023

It's time to CENSOR free speech, Bernie

Hosts Jimmy Dore and Craig Jardula, Co-Host Kurt Metzger (The Jimmy Dore Show,; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Ceasefire? That word is verboten! “I have to let the Israelis do whatever psycho [genocidal, crimes against humanity, war crime] sh*t they want” - U.S. President Joe Biden.

SHOCKER: The entire U.S. Senate condemns American’s FREE SPEECH and right to peacefully demonstrate and protest their "of the people, for the people, by the people" government (except that the public is not, legally speaking, "we the people" even though all of us assume we are)!

New House Speaker Mike Johnson roasts DHS secretary for censoring free speech in the U.S.

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