Saturday, October 21, 2023

My Brit kids won't behave: Send 'em to Beirut

World's Strictest Parents, 1/30/22; Pat Mac, Amber Larson, Dhr. Seven (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Wild British teens in strict religious Lebanon | World's Strictest Parents
(World's Strictest Parents) Strict religious rules around alcohol, makeup, and modest dress codes make the teens' experience hard to acclimatize to.

Think you've got the World's Strictest Parents? How do they stack up against these ones? From cutting logs to walking into ponds, these parents have the answer to any disobedient teen. How would you survive against the World's Strictest Parents? #WorldsStrictestParents

▶ Subscribe for more: ▶ UK full episodes: ▶ Australia full episodes: ▶ That'll Teach 'Em full episode:

▶ How strict parents deal with love, se, and dating: ▶ Teens get their bags searched: is BANNED: ▶ Most shocking moments:

What is the Buddhist attitude towards parents?
The Buddha gave his mother who raised him the greatest gift, ordaining her as the first nun.
Your father's back, Rahula. Go ask him.
The Sigalovada Sutra or "laypersons' code of discipline" is full of our reciprocal social obligations, children to parents and parents to children. It goes both ways. But children have an advantage because the Buddha spelled out in many places the special place of parents from a karmic point of view. What is done toward one's parents, good or ill, has a much greater impact, karmically speaking, redounding with beneficial results and painful consequences that would seem greatly disproportionate to the deeds themselves.... More

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