Friday, October 20, 2023

Merciful Muslim prisoners release two (video)

Channel 4 (UK); A. Wells, Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Hamas says it has released two American hostages being held in Gaza
(Channel 4 News) Oct. 20, 2023: Hamas, which the UK has designated as a proscribed terrorist organization, says it has released two American hostages being held in Gaza. Reports in Israeli media say a mother and daughter have been handed over to the Red Cross, we are still waiting for official confirmation and the pair have not yet been identified. Channel 4 is a British public broadcast service (Wikipedia). 

What did Hamas demand in exchange? Nothing at all. They could and should have asked for the release of wrongly held Palestinians being tortured by Israel, where 40% of Palestinians are placed at some time or other in their lives just to keep them in check, all part of "mowing the lawn." Hamas should have demanded or asked in exchange that the Israeli Army be forced to stop its war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, collective punishment, killing of journalists (who are clearly labeled "press")...

Moreover, Israeli propagandists, spokespeople, spies, and Mossad agents have lost all credibility, providing FAKE photos of "burned Jewish babies," which were shown to be the products of A.I. and now daring to provide FAKE "evidence" of "two Muslims discussing the bombing of a Gaza hospital by Islamic Jihad." When in our lifetimes has the mainstream media ever refuted Israeli lies in public? (Goodness knows, they might have said things in private to help the IDF and Israeli politicians and officials save face, but outing their lies, propaganda, and fabricated "evidence," trying to cover up their war crimes and crimes against humanity?

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