Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Noah was the last Sumerian king (video)

Sheldon S., Seth Auberon (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Noah | Last Sumerian King and Lost Ararat Civilization: Matthew LaCroix, Julian Dorey, Part II 
(Matthew LaCroix) Premiered Sept. 23, 2023: In 2017, the megalithic ruins of a mysterious civilization were discovered at the bottom of Lake Van in eastern Turkey. Combined with other new and incredible discoveries around the ancient lake, evidence is emerging that links a previously unknown and highly sophisticated civilization around Lake Van -- known as the Ararat Civilization -- directly to the ancient Sumerian bloodlines of Noah himself. The Noah's Ark story was appropriated by ancient Jews and made their own, but it is far older and makes more sense in context. Unbelievable myth turns out to be stolen and self-aggrandizing history of a "chosen people."
See link above for FULL episode on Julian Dorey's podcast. It's time to finally change history. Interested in this work? Visit website: thestageoftime.com

Zecharia Sitchin tried to explain Anunnaki Sumerian history

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