Sunday, October 29, 2023

Palestinians' 'right to defend themselves'?

(CNN) Oct. 24, 2023: The Palestinian Queen of Jordan Rania goes on CIA CNN Television with Christianne Amanpour to decry the "glaring double standard" in how the world treat Palestinians because of Jewish and Israeli nationalist propaganda throughout the world's media. Queen Rania: There's a "glaring double standard" in favor of Israel and against Palestinians. Queen Rania of Jordan talks to Christiane Amanpour about the world's reaction to Israel's War on Palestinians in the name of Hamas, Muslims, and the Arabs it hates. Is this apartheid? Yes, by international human rights organizations' own definition it is "apartheid." Is it genocide? Yes, by definition, it is "genocide" and "ethnic cleansing," and Israel is committing "war crimes" like "collective punishment" and "targeting hospitals, journalists, and civilians," by definitions that neither the Arab world nor Palestine made, but by the standards of the Geneva Conventions. There's a false symmetry here between an elite military (Israel) funded and backed by the world's largest military (USA) against what they are calling an "enemy" (all Palestinians) that does not have any military at all. #CNN #News

Journalists rip double standard: Do Palestinians have a "right to defend themselves"?
(BreakThrough News) Oct. 29, 2023: Journalists Eugene Puryear and Rania Khalek, hosts of Breakthrough News weekly show The Freedom Side, rip the double standards surrounding the demonization of Palestinian resistance, while Israel is glorified and given a pass to do whatever it deems fit [in consultation with the CIA, the Pentagon, the White House, and its greatest funder, the American military-industrial complex].

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