Thursday, October 12, 2023

Pope is woke; Drake is sick: God's Plan?

Media Outlet, Oct. 9, 2023; CBC News, 10/7/23; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly

Is the Pope woke? Pope Francis hints that Catholic Church could bless same-sex [LGBTQIA+] couples
I like gay priests. I mean, who am I to judge?
For centuries, Catholics have referred to the Bible to define marriage as a sacred covenant between a man and a woman.

While the Catholic Church has largely been opposed to acknowledging same-sex unions, times have changed and many are becoming more accepting of the LGBTQ+ community.

Although the Catholic Church has not been receptive to gay marriage throughout history, Pope Francis recently offered a glimmer of hope for the gay community.

The pope suggested that the Catholic Church may be open to blessing same-sex unions, which is a major step in one direction.

A Big Win for Same-Sex Couples?
"Yum." says feline reptilian in Drake video
Five conservative cardinals asked Pope Francis to “affirm church teaching on homosexuality” prior to a meeting of the Catholic Church where LGBTQ+ Catholics would be a topic of discussion.

The Vatican published a letter that Pope Francis wrote to the conservative cardinals, in which he signaled that same-sex blessings could be practiced as long as they weren’t confused with “sacramental marriage.”

LGBTQ+ Advocates Are Pleased With the Progressive Movement
The letter is said to “significantly advance” efforts to welcome LGBTQ+ Catholics into the church without judgment.

New Ways Ministry, an organization that advocates for the LGBTQ+ community within the church, was overjoyed by the pope’s unexpected change of heart, saying that it’s “one big straw towards breaking the camel’s back” toward gay people becoming more accepted in the Catholic religion.

Same-Sex Couples Have Largely Been Disregarded by the Catholic Church
Historically, the Catholic Church has been a longstanding opponent of gay marriage. However, Pope Francis has been vocal about his support for civil laws offering legal benefits to same-sex couples.

Additionally, Catholic priests in certain parts of Europe have been blessing same-sex unions without the Vatican’s stamp of approval.

Pope Francis’ groundbreaking new stance is a huge shift from the Vatican’s official position on gay unions.

The Bible and the Church Have Been Opposed to Same-Sex Unions for Centuries
Pope Francis’ response to the conservative cardinals is a giant step forward for the LGBTQ+ community.

The church has never really been accepting of homosexuality and has often spoken out against it. The Bible makes several references against homosexuality, such as in Leviticus 18:22, saying “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.”

In 2021, the Catholic Church’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith stated that the church could not bless same-sex unions because “God cannot bless sin.”

The Pope Is Becoming More Open to Gay Rights
In the pope’s new letter, he stands firm in his belief that marriage is between a man and a woman, but he has broadened his horizons when it comes to same-sex unions as long as they aren’t legally binding. More

God's Plan: Drake to step down from making music allegedly due to stomach illness
I killed those fans. I was so full of ego and high. - Man up, Biznatch! Be tough like Drizzy
Fun dark spirits drive Drake to fame and fortune.
For the time being, Drake (the Jewish Canadian "all-American rapper") is going to retire from making music or performing. His "stomach hurts," he says, and needs time to heal. It's not because of the big news on TV or being in trouble for those fans who died at his and Scott's big concert. Will he return to make big Young Money? If the Devil has anything to say about, as well as his fellow demon-influenced artists on the label (Lil Wayne and Nikki Minaj). It's funny -- queer, odd, coincidental -- did Drake plan this, or is this all a part of "God's Plan," the name of his big hit song (a big dud and waste of earworm). Can or anyone else get to the real root of Drake's departure? Speculation is all over the mainstream news. Don't worry. Drake will be in Calabasas, an affluent L.A. suburb in or near the Valley. Justin Bieber might come over, or the Kardashians, maybe even neighbor Kanye "Kookoo" West.

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