Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Pro-Israel, pro-Zionist, pro-war bias (video)

Sheldon S., Pfc. Sandoval, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
There's a new poster child in Israel's US proxy war on Palestine, French-Israeli rave beauty

Pro-Israel bias, delusional psychosis, denial, unquestioningly accepting Mossad propaganda? Is this what mandatory military service produces, pure unquestioning obedience and implicit bias? Hooray for our side because we're their moral superiors and they're "evil"?

Why SO many colleges support Palestine
(Triggernometry) Oct. 14, 2023: Biased Adam Corolla, Konstantin Kisin, Francis Foster explore the true motivations behind pro-Palestinian support on so many American college campuses. Link to full episode: Konstantin Kisin & Francis Foster of...

The real (and awful) reason Biden is coming to Israel | The Caroline Glick Show IN FOCUS
(JNS TV) Premiered 10/18/23: Think American war hawks are bad? Listen to the unreserved lust for war and annihilation, revenge (and so nice and matter-of-fact about it), excuse making, and anger at the USA for not doing enough to show 100% bias and favoritism. Antony Blinken returns while Israeli troops sit with itchy trigger fingers on the Gaza Strip border (and they may get injured going in to "mow the lawn" if we don't get the bunker buster munitions we deserve), Pres. Biden handicaps Israel's security, and the world continues to turn a blind eye to Hamas' atrocities and corruption (and only focus on ours because, of course, the miniscule Hamas political party represents millions of Palestinians because, when Israel favored them and funded them and propped them up at PM Netanyahu's urging, the Palestinians had one and only vote, so they are backing everything Hamas decides, what kind of madwoman is this, and how long has sat on the Israeli War Council?) Israeli journalist and author Caroline Glick (no relation to Jiminy) breaks down the news and explains the "real" reason Biden is in Israel (against Israel's will because just give us the weapons we are demanding and don't come here to bogther us). #israel #biden #gaza #hamasattack #hezbollah "The Caroline Glick Show" premieres every week on @JNS_TV! Facebook:

Israeli dissident Amira Hass: ‘Without outside pressure’ Israel’s crimes will continue
(BreakThrough News) May 18, 2021: Rania Khalek Dispatches As the violence continues across Israel-Palestine, to help make sense of how we got here and what happens next, Rania Khalek is joined by Amira Hass, an Israeli journalist at Haaretz who is based in Ramallah (West Bank) and has spent years reporting from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank (the Occupied Territories). Hass provides an in-depth analysis on the radicalization of Israeli Jewish society, which is becoming increasingly right wing as the religious settler (colonial) mentality is exported from the West Bank into Israeli cities. “Settler colonialism is part of Israeli DNA” with Israeli settlers being “a privatized arm of Israeli state violence.”  This is at the root of the constant aggression against Palestinians. And absent outside pressure, Israel will continue down an increasingly dangerous and eliminationist path.

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