Sunday, October 29, 2023

Sacred Cow: US gov't loves Israel, hates Jews

Noam Chomsky: Why America's radical right wing holds Israel as a sacred cow
(Free Will) How can ONE country, whether it's the head of the old British Empire or the helm of the new American Empire, control the world? Support radical Islam and oppose unity between other sovereign nations.

Christians should worship ALL of us not just JC.
Can anyone explain why the USA holds a Jewish state as a "sacred cow," supporting American and British imperialism in the Middle East in the form of Jewish Zionism?
  • Zionism: gaining a homeland even if means stealing it from others on the land (with the help of U.S. military might).
The USA, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are a special form of imperialism called "settler colonialism." One does not just rule the colony; one occupies the colony and exterminates the population to settle on their land. Israel is following the U.S. example.

Thank goodness for honest Jews who reject Netanyahu , genocide, and the US military (JVP)
Let's open a proxy, another "Israel" in Russia!
The U.S. eradicated the Indigenous peoples here when British and European people invaded the First Nations (of the Native Americans or American Indians). The new USA massacred them, cheated them, betrayed every treaty, dispersed them, placed them concentration camps (reservations), starved them, killed them with diseases, raped them, married them, relocated them, marched them to death, fattened them up by malnourishing them (many calories, few nutrients), blended with them, stole their cultural practices and identities from them, and made a country for itself on their unceded lands.

Not all Jews agree with Zionism and genocide
Now the U.S. is paying for there to be a "State of Israel" (even though by law there's no "state" because then Israel would have obligations to the people there and a minority Jewish population. The U.S. pays Israel (via military and other forms of "aid") to handle America's enemies in that part of the world in exchange for secret weapons, arms shipments, and all the military and spying support they are willing to accept or press Republicans for.

I reject bad karma as my kismet. I stand with Gaza
It doesn't hurt that the Jews the West really likes and supports are European (Ashkenazi) "Jews," who "look American and European" and who some say are not even actually the same people spoken of in the Bible.

But that's a powder keg issue not to be touched on for fear of the firestorm and sanctions fearful Christians and angry Jews may unleash.

Many ethnic groups would like to imagine themselves the "chosen ones," and any connection that can be made -- by fundamentalists, Rastafarians, Nazis, or others -- to tribes of the Bible are going to be seized on. (Weren't there 12 Jewish tribes, the "Tribe of Judah" only being one?) What an origin story for any people who want to insert themselves into history and the world's best selling book.

Jewish scholar Noam Chomsky explains the strange history of the US and Israel. #NoamChomsky

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