Saturday, October 28, 2023

Vikings had welfare and other odd history, Oct. 28, 2023; Pat Macpherson, Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom  Quarterly

  1. Vikings had a welfare program taking care of one another, unlike Republicans or the Ayn Rand Society would do for them but quite like DINOs or actual Democrats or Greens or Socialists or even Communists would do for them.
  2. Persian Empire had air conditioning
  3. Ancient Rome wasn't "white"
  4. Ancient Greece wasn't all about reason
  5. Neanderthals used plant medicines
  6. Native Americans figured out the Enlightenment before it was cool
  7. Christians weren't thrown to the lions in the Colosseum
  8. Eskimos (Innuits) had sunglasses
  9. Ancient Greeks had alarm clocks
  10. The past isn't what is used to be:
They 'll say you guys fought all the time, but will they know how we loved one another?

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