Monday, November 6, 2023

Atrocity propaganda w/ Hollywood's Gal Gadot

Breitbart (, 11/6/23); Sheldon S., Ashley Wells (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
[I'm sexy and I've killed but don't ask me about it. Am I still working for the IDF? Shhh.]
Beauty queen, soldier, actor, mother, IDF atrocity propagandist: Wonder Woman Gal Gadot
You know what you all can do? (Gal)
(Breitbart via Wonder Woman star Gal Gadot plans to screen [atrocity propaganda] footage provided by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) that [is allegedly authentic, undoctored, and] shows atrocities committed by Hamas terrorists [El Qassam Brigades fighters] when they entered Israel on October 7 and [allegedly] began a barbaric campaign of rape, murder, and mass kidnappings [though it is now known that most of the armed active duty soldiers and young IDF veterans at the rave were killed by the cowardly IDF when they arrived and began shooting and bombing what ended up being Jewish Israelis hiding from the attack that started six hours earlier, as reported by a Jewish Israeli survivor who saw the IDF do it and miraculously survived, although the IDF is sure to scrub all videos showing that as it delivers a propaganda presentation for famous Gal Gadot to spread].

POST SHARED BY GUY NATTIV (@GUY_NATTIV) Israel news outlet 124 reports the Hollywood screening of the 47-minute [propaganda reel] sequence is scheduled to take place in front of a specially chosen audience, featuring celebrities and prominent figures.

Oscar-winning director Guy Nattiv, who spearheaded the initiative, revealed to 124, “[IDF veteran] Gal Gadot and her husband, Yaron Varsano, helped make this possible.”

Specific details concerning the date and the confirmed guest list are yet to be finalized. The i24 report continues: Nattiv, a self-proclaimed humanist [but actually a Zionist Jewish IDF sympathizer] advocating for a two-state solution, drew a heartfelt connection to the footage.

He referred back to the Holocaust [as is so often done to stir emotion rather than reason in his audience], when the world mostly remained indifferent to the suffering of the Jewish population, and emphasized, “As a filmmaker, I swore that these images of October 7 would not be forgotten, and the world would see them.

  • I'm still an IDF militant behind a desk.
    [NOTE: If true, if these things happened, according to US Marine Intelligence and former UN Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, because the El Qassam Brigades and Hamas wanted to elicit exactly this response from the IDF and state of Israel because the two-state solution, which Israel has never wanted, was languishing and Gazans were simply dying, being forgotten, and were constantly tormented by young IDF soldiers such as Gal Gadot, and everyone else subject to mandatory enlistment, which may have even included rave attack poster girl Shani Louk, until they could be starved out and reduced to a manageable size for extermination, dispossession, forced relocation to the sea or Sinai Desert, Egypt, Jordan, or anywhere else where Israel could wash their hands of responsibility for these open-air prisoners, which by law they must feed, water, and provide shelter and necessities for. Now, having successfully drawn Israel to reveal its hand and war crime practices of ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, and more, the two-state solution is back on the table whether Israel likes it or not. Currently, it is conducting a free for all revenge bloodletting, as one would expect of the world's most moral military, and then it can sabotage Gaza to prove its people never deserved a chance, much less a right of return, and punish any neighboring Arab or Muslim country that tries to help it.]
  • Israeli Forces capture Hamas Gaza 'stronghold' [if Gaza city can be described as a 'stronghold' without an eyeroll] as elite military air strikes and naval bombardment hit another 450 civilian sites [even though an international court has already ruled that an excuse of we're being threatened by people we completely occupy and rule over cannot be used]
  • Pentagon announces: Nuclear-powered submarine has arrived in the Middle East [so we can go atomic with this war]
  • Hamas had originally planned massacre for Passover – report [Iran delayed the Oct. 7 attack so let's bomb Iran next]
I'm still on duty sort of.
“Because now the denial begins – it is a fake, it is not a fake (…) We cannot pass by in silence.” He also emphasized the diverse audience for the screening, stating, “People who have film experience, so we can show them this crazy document that is reminiscent of the films created about the Holocaust.”

[We really want to stir them up so they will continue to make Holocaust movies and now Oct. 7th movies, like a 9/11 film, and never forget, and leave the Israeli military alone no matter what it does to exact revenge or behave like the militaries that harmed Jews, the "chosen people" in contravention to their Bible, which orders them to treat us well.]

The plan is to have one screening initially for 120 viewers, with the possibility of further screenings depending on the interest it generates. [If it is too gory, maybe the IDF can doctor and edit it to tone it down and, if not gory enough, maybe the IDF can doctor and edit it for extra punch, horror, and spectacle until we elicit the response we're going for to control the narrative as we see fit.] More

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