Monday, November 20, 2023

BBC: Israel is lying, manipulating media

Novara Media, 11/18/23; Sheldon S., Ashley Wells, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly

Now even the BBC is seeing through Israel’s lies and propaganda campaign to justify its genocidal invasion and killing of noncombatant civilians
(Novara Media) Nov. 18, 2023: Novara Live broadcasts every weekday from 6:00 pm on YouTube and Twitch. Episodes of Downstream are released Sundays at 6:00 pm on YouTube.

United Nations Rep. Nada Tarbush: "Never again is NOW," genocidal Israel
We're going to call 'em terrorists and kill 'em all
First Channel 4 (UK public TV) saw holes in Israel's many deceptive stories, press releases, and lies. Now even the very pro-Israel bias of the BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) can't help but seeing the holes in militant Israel Defense Forces' ham-handed video presentation of "evidence" of tunnels and Al-Shifa Hospital being used as "Hamas Central Command."

I'm not "lying." I'm just "following orders."
These are pathetic lies laughed at by the rest of the world, particularly the Arabic speaking Middle East, but swallowed whole by the only audience that matters, us, the U.S., the funders of Israel's atrocities. Who is falling for Col. Klunk aka "John Con" man (Lt. Col. Johnathan Conricus)?

He's the clunky Jewish voice of Israel's professional military, the IDF's special [propaganda, psyops] forces, the unblinking speaker, a kind of gentle-voiced monster, a Herman Munster, a pockmarked face, a blemished caricature of a serious, unbiased voice of reason.

He's just showing and telling what he is told to show and tell -- psyops, propaganda, lies -- even as it changes on what the IDF claims is continuous video (one shot with no edits) footage. It's faked and therefore fake.

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