Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Faith: Trusting Our Own Deepest Experience

Sharon Salzberg; Eds., Wisdom Quarterly
Faith: Trusting Your Own Deepest Experience by successful American Theravada Buddhist meditator and teacher Sharon Salzberg has earned a 4.6 out of 5 stars after 350 ratings.

In this beautifully written work, one of America's most beloved meditation teachers -- cofounder of Insight Mediation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, offers discerning wisdom on understanding faith as a healing quality.

"Faith" is the poor English translation of a term the Buddha used, saddha, which means "confidence," "conviction," "what can be confirmed." He said this Dharma, this Teaching, invites all to come and see for themselves. It can be put to the test.

Through the Teachings of the Buddha and insight (vipassana) gained from her lifelong spiritual quest, Salzberg provides us with a road map for cultivating a feeling of peace, trust, confidence to step forward and put into practice Teachings that promise immediate results and that can be practiced by anyone of any tradition.

Salzberg in India with Dipa and Dipa Ma.
If the ultimate goal of Buddhism is awakening (bodhi, "enlightenment" in this very life), the necessity of investigating to see for oneself is of paramount importance.

But we will not investigate without some measure of "faith" to listen then put into practice what we are not yet able to see as leading to knowledge and vision.

We must commit to persistent practice that reveals itself as wholesome, worthy, and giving rise to the highest good.

Therefore, the real meaning of "faith" becomes something that can be tested and confirmed in the here not the hereafter.

Moreover, we need not reject any other faith, any other religious tradition or teacher, to pursue awakening.

In that sense, Buddhism is not a religion (a set of things to believe) swapped for another religion. It is the Awakened One's map pointing out how we ourselves may bring ourselves to awakening just as he did.

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