Tuesday, November 21, 2023

How to foretell the future: demography

Ken Gronbach, KGC Direct, 11/21/23; Seth Auberon, Pfc. Sandoval (eds.), Wisdom Quarterly
Where we were shapes where we're going. Demography reveals what will happen to 

Demography is the key to know what will happen in the future. Real demographic facts help one guide new reality strategies. Demographics precipitated economics, not the other way around.

The truth about what’s next and the tsunami of opportunity or doom is right ahead of us. Gronbach is not a motivational speaker. He's a motivated demographer, who can educate and entertain with real data. 
His presentations are about people and the products and services they are interested in. He offers take-a-way messages for reality planning. He uses facts, not opinions, data, not guesswork or theory. What is a valuable take-a-way? Strategy.

The Age Curve (Ken Gronbach)
A real strategy incorporates facts and a simple demographic model to use right away to shape a successful plan. Sound too good to be true? It’s not.

Twenty-two years ago, as president of a successful retail advertising agency, he made a remarkable discovery about the relationship between shifting demography and changing markets.

The evidence was overwhelming. He could now forecast markets with uncanny accuracy. He shares his secret with audiences by educating, entertaining, and inspiring them. More

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